Get to know Silver Bay

In 1904 Silas Paine sold the Silver Bay property at half its value to the incorporated Silver Bay Association for Christian Conferences and Training.

Maple Cottage, which is currently used as staff housing, is one of the oldest cottages on campus, being built in 1898 using remnants of the first building on property which belonged to Jabez Patchin.

Many of the other cottages and buildings at Silver Bay YMCA date back to the early 1900s including the Inn, Auditorium, Cherry, Spruce, and Hickory Cottages, the Council Ring, and the Boathouse to name a few.

As a guest of Silver Bay YMCA, you can swim and paddle on one of the cleanest lakes in the world, hike our many groomed trails, or relax on the Inn porch in one of our famous rockers. While many people enjoy our property throughout the year, please note that a number of activities and amenities are only available during our peak summer season (late June through mid-August).

Silver Bay also offers an array of meeting spaces to fit the needs of your group, ranging from quaint enclosed pavilions and historic halls to a 600-person auditorium. As a courtesy to all conferences and groups, Silver Bay provides standard audio/visual as well as conferencing equipment and set up at no additional charge.

Silver Bay Fun Facts

  • Silver Bay YMCA is over 100 years old.
  • It is thought that Jabez Patchin built the first structure on the property, a one-room cottage, around 1800.
  • The bell in the auditorium tower is a 500-pound Meneely bell, cast in 1909.
  • In 1910 the Lakeshore Trail and Council Ring was the site of the first Scout Master’s Training School, which became known as the Boy Scouts of America, today called Scouting America.

  • In 2015, Silver Bay YMCA was the first to seek a Low Impact Development certification from the Lake George Waterkeeper.
  • Silver Bay serves as the host site for more than 150 educational, cultural, environmental, religious, public groups, and family reunions each year.

Take Silver Bay wherever you go

The Store at Silver Bay has something for everyone. A beautiful array of Silver Bay mementos, t-shirts and sweatshirts, toys, books, decorative home items, handcrafted jewelry, clothing, and more can be found at The Store.

A slice of pizza, a scoop of locally made ice cream, or a freshly-made crepe can also be enjoyed at The Store.

For hours please see THE BREEZE or look for the sign on the door.

Picture of the gift shop
Front of the general store
Items in the general store


Picture of cottage with porch

Enjoy the conveniences of home in one of our cozy cottages.

Cottages sleep anywhere from 4 to 21 so bring the entire family. The possibilities are endless.

Front of the hotel

Enjoy a variety of hotel accommodations with views of Lake George and our expansive campus.

Picture of large cottage

Looking to getaway as a group of 15 or more?

We have large homes across campus perfect for families looking to spend time together.

What to pack

Are you getting excited for your upcoming trip to Silver Bay? We sure are!

Packing can be a daunting task, to make the process a little bit easier we have compiled a packing list to ensure you have everything you need during your time at Silver Bay.

Picture of kids holding hands