“Silver Bay YMCA is one of those hidden gems that keep me from despairing about the rampant commercialism of our beautiful lake and mountain communities. I attended a YMCA-related work conference at Silver Bay, located in the midst of the Adirondacks on the northern end of Lake George. The price was affordable, the campus breathtakingly gorgeous, and the experience soul-fulfilling. The YMCA is committed to the original mission of the 115 year old Silver Bay Conference and Retreat Center, which is all about spiritual renewal and training for life. The updated mission speaks to the spiritual longings of families and organizations today: “to foster a lifelong sense of belonging, strengthen relationships, and nurture spirit, mind, and body for all.” During our conference week, a group of Canadian middle school kids attended an environmental camp, a vital program that the YMCA does very well. Had the food been better, I would have given five stars. I think that they may be in transition since they have torn down the old dining hall and are in the midst of building a new conference center. I look forward to returning!”